Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Disaster Fatigue

Something I kept meaning to bring up today...

Something I kept hearing in regards to the tsunami disaster was "viewer fatigue" - when viewers reach a point where they can't care anymore. I was wondering if this phenomenon was a product of our time, with the influx of constant information, be it from internet, 24-hour news, network news and PBS - even weblogs. Is the evidential need to bombard viewers with all angles of a story merely serving to exhaust us?

1 comment:

Aaron Veenstra said...

Call me a cynic, but I tend to think it's due, at least in part, to the dramatization of the news. When we experience the news (especially the TV news) as a quasi-real drama, there's going to come a point when we just want to change the channel and watch a quasi-fictional reality show instead.